
Precision and Ultra-Precision Resistor Networks and Custom Resistor Networks
Type T912 and T914 Precision and Ultra-Precision Networks with Low Ratio TC
- Two Resistor and Four Resistor Networks with Precise Ratio Performance,
- Ratio Tolerance from 0.1% to 0.01%, Ratio TC 10 ppm/°C to 2 ppm/°C
Type 1776 Precision Decade Resistor Voltage Dividers
- 39 Models of Input Voltage Dividers for Digital Multimeters and other
- Range-Switching Circuits, Ratio Tol. 0.5% to 0.02%, Ratio TC 50 ppm/°C to 5 ppm/°C
Type 1787 Precision Current Sense Resistor Networks
- 3 and 4-step Current Sense Resistor Networks for Current Sensing in
- Multi-Range Instrumentation, Absolute Tolerance of 0.25% to 0.05%
Type T1794 Custom Low Ratio TC, Precision SIP Resistor Networks
- Ratio TC to 5 ppm/°C, Ratio Tolerance to 0.01%,
- Resistance Range from 500 ohms to 50 Megohms
Type 1789 Custom Low Resistance Value, Precision SIP Resistor Networks
- Ratio TC to 15 ppm/°C, Ratio Tolerance to 0.05%,
- Resistance Range from 0.5 ohm to 10,000 ohms